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Barbell Deadlift

Exercise Category:

Lower Body Hamstring Dominant

Equipment Required:


To Set Up:

Begin standing with your feet hip width apart, toes pointing straight forward, and positioned underneath the barbell. Draw your shoulders back, very slightly bend your knees, and push your hips rearward to bring your torso toward the floor.

Grasp the barbell just outside the line of your legs. Your knees should be in roughly in line with your arms.

To Perform:

Keeping your shoulders drawn back, press through your feet to stand up. In the top position you should be standing tall, with your arms straight, and the barbell resting against your hips. Pause for a moment in this top position.

To return the bar to the floor slightly bend your knees and push your hips rearward. As your torso lowers towards the floor, keep your shoulders drawn back.

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