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Barbell Low Bar Back Squat

Exercise Category:

Lower Body Quadricep Dominant

Equipment Required:


To Set Up:

With the bar racked at approximately chest height, begin by placing your hands equidistant from the centre of the bar, in a wide grip position.

Step under the bar, and position the centre of the bar on the back of your shoulders.

Position your feet shoulder width apart, and feet slightly turned out. Stand up to unrack the bar, and take 2-4 short steps backward. Again, reposition your feet shoulder width apart, and slightly turned out.

To Perform:

Push your hips rearward and your knees outward, to lower towards the floor. Pause briefly with your thighs parallel to the floor, before pushing through your legs to return to the standing position.

Throughout the squatting movement keep your knees in line with your toes. The bar should travel in a roughly vertical line, above your midfoot when viewed from the side.

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